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Frequently Asked Questions

  • In difficulties?
    Don't give up, email help@vesselapp.io VESSEL will be worth the trouble you take
  • How much does VESSEL cost?
    VESSEL app is a FREE download. Once you dive inside the app to add your info, team or friends etc you will be asked to buy an annual licence for your account and each additional USER you add. Each ADMIN (Premium) licence is GB£25.87 and each USER licence GB£12.87. This includes VAT as I'm a UK resident; if you're based elsewhere in the world your relevant taxes may apply
  • What does the name VESSEL mean?
    Definition of a VESSEL is a hollow utensil such as a cup or bucket used for holding liquids and other contents, it is also an alternate name for a ship. This VESSEL carries jargon!
  • Why do I need VESSEL?
    Next time you're on a Team's meet trying to translate jargon, acronyms or INITIALs on the fly while retaining what's being discussed - this is why you loaded VESSEL with all your current company terminology. Corporate language changes frequently and it's vital to stay ahead
  • Does the app work without phone signal?
    Yes, you can search, scroll, refer within a BATCH or swap to others you currently hold on your phone. During downtime when you have a signal, press Refresh Data in the MENU and update your content. NB. you will not be able to follow links until your phone is in range of a signal
  • What is a SET?
    SETs are the basic unit of a BATCH. VESSEL app doesn't store just the translation of a given term. It includes:
    2. the term
    3. its meaning
    4. a fuller description, and finally
    5. a link off app to a recommended helpful source.
    So 5 useful pieces of information. Each BATCH is constructed from a multiple of SETS
  • How do I report errors or concerns I have with an item on VESSEL?
    Using the contact email address help@vesselapp.io identify which item, attach your team leader's email plus your company and we shall reply to emails within 2 working days
  • Why might I need to seek permission to access a BATCH?
    If the BATCH holds specialised, confidential or even private knowledge, access to that BATCH may be vetted
  • How many account holders can VESSEL cope with?
    ADMIN+1 or ADMIN+1000 whatever the size of your team, VESSEL can cope
    This formatting or architecture within the app aides speedy searches. Whether in one BATCH or all BATCHES. When you conduct a global search of all your BATCHES, remember your search may display more than one use of the term you searched. Helpfully the app identifies in which sector or group each answer is located
  • Why do I have a USER account?
    If you've received a VESSEL Login email message through your company, a USER account is now available for you to use. Use the link to create a password and login to the app. BATCHES with your company terminology should be available for you to search. If not then first tap Refesh Data in the MENU, if still nothing visible contact your team leader
  • I'm only buying the app for myself?
    If it's just you buying VESSEL, you'll have an ADMIN (Premium) licence. This gives you FULL functionality of the app plus access to the web portal where you can edit your BATCHES or build new ones. Also when you first buy your ADMIN licence you'll receive one USER licence FREE, so you can share your good ideas with a family member or a friend
  • Why VESSEL?
    Often the language we use today is more shorthand for what we really want to say. Our texts are truncated into initials that we don't remember their meaning, well not exactly. All groups like to keep their jargon special to just themselves.
  • Single customer (ADMIN) Login sequence
    My advice is
    1. Check to see VESSEL Login email has arrived in your mail browser- BUT DON'T Touch (check in Junk/trash if not received within 12 hours of your request)
    2. Find & Download the app from Apple or Google Play (buried on Google so look deeply)
    3. RTN to Login email & use link to create password
    4. Open computer or web browser to use your new Login details to open portal https://vesselapp.io (if all opens OK have a snoop about and then use same Login details on your phone to set up app. You should only ever need to re-login after an upgrade or dead battery otherwise those details should stick. Enjoy VESSEL"
  • Why not just Google?
    Searching such specific words may alert malign groups which make your company a target. Algorithms track usage or trends. VESSEL offers a closed system to hold ACRONYMs or terms specific to your work but not in frequent use
  • You may not be able to reach the link
    Don't worry you only need wifi or mobile data when you want to update your content or chase down the hyperlink included in each SET. You can search, swap BATCH, global search and read every term that is current on the app on the Underground, in a tent on a mountain anywhere there isn't a signal
  • Do I need VESSEL?
    Provides you a simple personal crib to translate jargon, acronyms or INITIALs; also contributes to improving consistency of language within a closed group or team. The truist meaning of any word is that held by the speaker/author, each of us believe we are right
  • What is a BATCH?
    BATCHES are how the information you upload is formatted on VESSEL. This formatting ensures your information is easy to search quickly and find your answer. Each BATCH is constructed of many SETS. VESSEL app doesn't hold just a simple translation like a glossary, but the sector - your term - meaning - fuller description and finally a link out. This makes a BATCH a more functional resource that remains a LIVE changing organism, always being improved and corrected with new additions being curated all the time
  • BATCH what's that?
    A BATCH on VESSEL app is the collection of jargon or terms that your group need access to during your day to day communication
  • What is Jargon?
    Jargon has become ingrained in our daily lives, both at work with flexible working, on cloud-based collaborations like Teams, Zoom or meta world; then at home too on social media and other leisure activities. Jargon encompasses acronyms, terms or expressions and INITIALs used by a profession, group or sector that is difficult for those not conversant with it, to understand. It’s tribal, meaning that each subset in a group or organisation may over time create their own individual vernacular, strengthening the group’s bond. This is the case within sectors in government, construction, business or other large organisations
  • Refresh Data
    When your team leader changes or adds new items in your BATCHES they upload it, but so you can see & benefit from those improvements, you need to tap Refresh Data in your MENU so that the content on your app is updated
  • Is my account a recurring subscription or once I've paid that's it?
    To use the app there is a recurring annual fee, or subscription. If you no longer use or need it tell your team leader or email help@vesselapp.io request in writing that your account is no longer required and it will be closed
    There are 2 types of licence that you can buy for VESSEL. An ADMIN (or Premium) licence includes full access to BOTH the web portal and app. The USER (or Pro) licence includes access to just the app. If you are an individual buying the app you would need to buy an ADMIN (or Premium) licence so you have full functionality of both assets
  • USER
    The USER (or Pro) licence includes access to just the app. So you would be unable to create your own content!
  • ADMIN & USERs - why is VESSEL arranged in this way?
    It ensures content has one single guiding source and does not just become a babbel. Of course each USER can submit new SETs or suggest corrections for existing content, to their VESSEL Team leader. This culture ensures your jargon platform stays alive and content remains of a high quality. We at VESSEL are open to improvements so please forward these to help@vesselapp.io