VESSEL is a field & office management tool that puts you in control of the language you & your team speak. It enables an individual or a team to hold proprietary jargon eg. INITIALs, Acronyms, Mnemonics, slang or other terminology in-self curated directories on phone or tablet. So you can confirm the language you speak is correct. Always available at the tap of button, on or off-line.
Every licence holder whether ADMIN or USER can refer, scroll, search or swap between different BATCHES. Privately and secure behind your phone's protection measures. Choose a VESSEL teamleader to curate & amend your private jargon or language, then upload the content to all the team at once. You can moderate and upload new suggestions from within your team, so everyone shares the same precise information. It displays only the information or data you curate & upload. No Ads. No Pop-ups
Language is a living entity, ever changing! VESSEL offers a new dimension in glossaries. The app is Free of Charge to single users, or use the login details purchased by your company
VESSEL app is FREE to Download & use as a single user! If you decide to add friends or colleagues to your group you will need to pay. Contact if you are a company wanting a White Knight arrangement.
If you're a group of friends one of you can pay the Piper in the Shop for the others!
The definition of a VESSEL is a hollow utensil such as a cup, basket or bucket. All these are used for holding liquids and other contents, it is also an alternate name for a ship. This VESSEL carries Jargon!
VESSEL can hold all your team's jargon on your phone and many other collections of data should you need to hand. All available at the tap of a button. Next time you're in a Team's meet, trying to understand some new acronym or set of INITIALs while trying to keep up with the general discussion, that's when VESSEL's a useful tool. When mixed disciplines are working together having a crib to check quickly what a term means allows you to stay with the conversation
Yes, you can search (locally) in the BATCH you have open or globally within all BATCHES on your account. You can scroll, open any term in that BATCH or swap to other BATCHES that you currently hold on your phone. When you next have a signal, just tap Refresh Data in the MENU, and update your content.
NB. you will not be able to follow links until your phone is within range of a signal
SETs are the building blocks of a BATCH. VESSEL app doesn't store just the translation of a given term. It includes:
So 5 useful pieces of information, not just one! No Ads & No Pop-ups. All BATCHES are constructed from many SETS. This structure facilitates faster searches
Please relay the error, the context of why you believe it is incorrect and your contact email address using this mailbox, please also include your team leader's mail address. Someone shall acknowledge your email within 2 working days
If a BATCH holds specialised, confidential or even private content, access to that BATCH may be controlled by the account holder. Apply to your team leader or line manager to gain access
ADMIN, ADMIN+1 or ADMIN+8000 whatever the size of your team, VESSEL can cope
This formatting or architecture within the app aides speedy searches. Whether within one BATCH or all BATCHES. When you initiate a global search this includes all app currently in the app. This search may display more than one use of a term you searched. Helpfully the app identifies in which CATEGORY or sector each answer is located
If you've received a VESSEL Login email message directly or through your company use your email address and use the link to create a password. Login to the app. You're all set! BATCHES with your company terminology should be available for you to search. If not then tap Refesh Data in the MENU, if still nothing visible contact your team leader
If it's just you buying VESSEL, you'll have an ADMIN single (Premium) licence. Your Login gives you FULL functionality of the app where you can view the content; plus access to the web portal where you can edit BATCHES, build new ones or use the shop to buy existing BATCHES. Also you may add USER licences so you can share your content with friends, family members or work colleagues
Often the language we use today is more shorthand for what we really want to say. Our texts are cryptic or truncated into initials and we don't remember their meaning, or we all create a slightly different views of that meaning. All groups like to keep their jargon special to just themselves.
My advice is:
Searching publicly for the meanings of proprietary language may alert malign groups to your activity, which may make your company a target. Algorithms track usage or trends. VESSEL offers a closed system to hold Acronyms, Mnemonics, INITIALs or terms specific to your work
Don't worry you only need WiFi or mobile data, when you want to update your content or chase down the hyperlink included in each SET. You can still search, swap BATCH, global search and read every term that is currently held on the app wherever you are, in a tent on a mountain or anywhere even with no signal.
VESSEL provides you a simple personal crib to translate jargon, acronyms or INITIALs. It contributes to improving consistency of the language within a closed group or team. The truist meaning of any word is that held by the speaker/author - each of us always believe we are right!
BATCHES are how the content you upload is formatted on VESSEL. This formatting ensures your information is quick to search, and finds your answer or answers easily. Each BATCH is constructed of many SETS. VESSEL app doesn't hold just a simple translation like a glossary, but the Sector - the Term - Meaning - expanded description and finally a link off app.
A BATCH on VESSEL app refers to a group of content which has been curated expressly for your group. Your team leader may require the team to have access to proprietary meanings of mnemonics or acronyms that are in daily use.
Jargon has become ingrained in our daily lives, both at work with flexible working, on cloud-based collaborations like Teams, Zoom or Meta world; but also at home too on social media and other leisure activities. Jargon includes any shortened proprietary language that you may use day to day. Any acronyms, mnemonics, INITIALs used by a profession, group or sector which are not immediately simple to understand for those not conversant.
When your team leader changes or adds new content on your BATCHES, they upload it. Each member of the team should Re-Fresh Data to see these updates. Simply go to the MENU in the app tap Refresh Data and new items within any content you hold on the app, will be updated
Yes, if the USER account was gifted to you by a team leader or friend they will be paying for it. Unless they have requested your account be deleted
ADMIN is the premium account and is Free of Charge (FOC). It may be referred to as a VESSEL license or account. Use your Login details ie. your email address and the password you chose to open the app. Go online to access the web portal. There you can buy BATCHES from the shop, create your own (at no cost currently). You can buy USER level accounts for friends or colleagues, so that you can all see and share content. As an ADMIN account holder you have full access to all functionality supplied in the app
A USER account is bought for you (gifted to you) by a friend or team leader who wants to share a “language” with you. You have access to search, scroll through or view any BATCHES that are issued to you on the app. However you cannot create your own content or add BATCHES to the group yourself, you would need to ask your team leader to do this.!
This is so the content flows from one single direction, which should ensure the team's language remains accurate, consistent and does not just become a babbel. This doesn't stop team members submitting new content. If they identify terminology meanings that are becoming confused they can suggest additions, or corrections for existing content, to their VESSEL moderator. The benefit VESSEL offers is how easily these changes can be made. However the flow is always “topdown”.
Whoever holds the ADMIN account for your group, may create a moderator role to support the team, or perhaps may take this role on themselves. The moderator would be the “gateway” for new acronyms or terms submitted by members of the team. They curate, make decisions on taking up new content or amending existing, supported by the team leader